
For my graduation project, I tried to define my own unique design style using cultural aesthetics. Serene was designed to promote Sustainable Cities and Communities, and Good Health, which are two of the World UNESCO Challenges. Serene was selected to exhibited at the 2023 Milan Design Week. Milan Design Week’s exhibition themes were futuristic, and innovative housewares.


Individuals living in cities experience exposure to noise pollution. Unwanted noise often causes conflicts between neighbors. Studies show that exposure to excessive noise causes hearing loss and even increases blood pressure. Therefore, it is crucial to design a protection for users’ private spaces.

Milan Design Week 2024 ‘Futuristic Homeware’

Finding out existing technologies that works best and envisioning a futuristic technology for urban noise pollution.

Concept Explorations

Mood Board & Final Direction

Model Making for Millan Design Week 2023

ASU Milan Design Week 2023

Other Projects